Today was a fun Wednesday at the Minton house. The boys and I put on our creative hats and made that fun crayon art that is all over Pinterest. Alex wasn't too excited about it to begin with, but once I showed him a picture of what we were going to make, he was in! I grabbed the crayon box (a small plastic bin that all of the crayons have been dumped into at some point or another) and let them pick whatever colors they wanted to use. They organized them on their boards and I got to work with the glue gun. I only burned myself 4-5 times, so I think that's a win. When the crayons were all glued to their boards, this is what they looked like.
Next, we got busy with the hair dryer. This part was a little scary for an indoor project. Once the crayons started melting, they had a tendency to blow splatters sideways if the boys weren't pointing the dryers down. I had a drop cloth down, as well as some packing paper we had left over from our move last year. Between the two, I managed to not get any melted crayon in unintended places!
And, the finished project! They love their artwork and are proud that it's something they could do themselves!
In addition to the crayon project, we made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies!